Friday 18 November 2011

original images for college magazine- plus comments

This was the picture i used for the front cover of the magazine. it shows the rocker on his guitar in a checked shirt. it clearly shows a serious facial expression

This picture was meant to be used as the front cover but didn't show the face so it couln't be used.

This picture was used in the contents page for the article "learn how to play the guitar in two weeks" it clearly shows a rocker playing his guitar

This is a picture of the tv with the character on the tv, this was used in the contents page for an interview with a made up rapper DR Smith

 I decided to use this picture for the contents page, he is the editor of the college magazine, as he looks intelligent and serious enough to spend his time editing the magazine

I chose to use this picture in the contents page as it for the complete guide to rock fashion as this is typical rock fashion with the band t-shirt, and long hair.

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