Monday 28 November 2011

Audience Research Results and Conclusion

these results helped me choose a lot about my magazine. I am not the biggest fan of dance/house music but I went for this because this is what the audience wanted from the results. Amplitude was the majority leader of what the magazine should be called and it fitted in with the dance music style. Second was plectrum but this would of been the name only if I did a rock or guitar type magazine. I decided for it to be a weekly magazine, although it didn't matter as the research was equal with 10 going for monthly and 10 for weekly. Dance was the favourite for the genre, and close second was dubstep, but i went for dance as I had no clue about dubstep music or the artists involved! The colour scheme should be red/black according to the results so I went for this as the others weren't as vibrant and dance music is normally vibrant. Finally the price I went for £2.50, which was inbetween the £2-£3 bracket which was what the majority of people wanted to pay.

From these results I can see that almosts all aspects of the magazine were influenced by the feedback from the questionnaire, by doing this I feel that I have gave the 'consumers' what they want in a magazine, and the majority of people will buy it. Although if my questionnaire had of been more far spread, and handed out to different people, or areas, my results may have been very different

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