This is the picture I used for My Contents page for the article. It was taken at the gig of Sam's I went to in Manchester.
This is the image used for the front cover. I liked the picture as it doesn't show Sam's eyes because of the glasses so creates a mystery about Sam, Where if the readers want to learn more about him they will pick up the magazine and read the article all about his life as a DJ. It also in my opinion makes the magazine look more proffessional because of the black/white effect and the text stands out a lot more than it would if it was in colour
This is the image used for the left hand side of the double page spread.
This is the image I used for the right side of the double page spread. The reason it is darker is because the lights were dimmed slightly.
This is the image I used for the top corner of the double page spread. It went next to the title Swaff's Column and readers will know that it is the article from the front cover because of the same black/white style