Thursday 20 October 2011

college magazine written plans

Friday 14 October 2011

Conventions Of Magazine Front Covers And Contents Pages

College Magazine Front Cover Sketch

Most magazines have similar conventions, below is a list of the conventions:

Front Covers
  • bright colours- a colour scheme is used for texts, normally 2-5 colours
  • one main cover image is used- usually a celebrity for the bigger magazines
  • facial expressions convey personality or image of 'star'
  • cover image uses direct address- eye contact with the reader
  • price of the magazine is usually small, and in the corner
  • smaller cover lines are arranged- do not put writing on faces!
  • if cover image has more than one person, they may have one in the foreground
  • page numbers may be used
  • other products, freebies, posters/Cd's given away as an incentive to buy the magazine
  • different fonts are used - but not too many
  • white or light-coloured background is used
  • clothing of person/celeb on cover image matches style/fashion of personality
  • issue number is quite small and the bar code is usually tucked away
  • cover image and text are layered- masthead/cover image/cover lines
  • cover lines are written in an entertaining way to lure the reader- e.g. rhetorical questions
  • title of magazine has connotations linked to content
  • banners may be used as background for text.

Contents pages
  • page numbers with images
  • they all feature an offer or reduced rates to subscribe
  • adverts
  • editorial- message from the editor (different style/font)
  • main or bigger pictures illustrates the content of the main articles
  • reviews
  • usually paragraphed
  • list of page contents and numbers
  • same theme as front cover
  • logo of magazine is showed
  • page references
  • bold page numbers for main articles
  • main storys have an image
  • each picture shows facial expressions and emotions
  • speech marks/quotes are used from the articles
  • guide to different sections
  • main persons/group name is in bold
  • advert of how to subscribe to the magazine
  • layered
  • sub-headings are used to group articles of similar content
  • all of contents pages use columns
  • none/little empty space